Hey, we’re finally ending our year full of growth. all of the work that you put into this year will finally come forward. think of capricorn season as a resting season and one to set your goals for this year. there’s going to be a huge focus on future plans and reaping what you’ve worked for. plus with venus in aquarius, you’ll have a creative and idealistic view of what you love and dream. be warned though, this year will be a year full of insight, and secrets will come out. is it worth not telling them now?

aries: after the fiery sagittarius season its finally time to allow yourself to calm down...

taurus: finally another earth season. during the last few months of the year, you’ve been feeling a bit lost socially and financially but this capricorn season should bring forward some new opportunities...

gemini: gemini, you really like being everywhere, constantly moving. Now is the time to chill!

cancer: we’re starting the year off in your sister sign which means it’s going to be a ride!!
leo: it’s time to get off of that high of sagittarius season and to care for yourself...
virgo: oh virgo, you have been going through it this year. with a rough start of 2019 and a pretty rocky romantic time you’ll be glad to hear that it’s going to start to get better...
libra: recently you’ve been feeling indecisive. capricorn season’s stable nature is going to help you get out of this rut...

sagittarius: coming out of your season, you have a lot of energy. now it’s time to take that energy and focus on what you want to do this coming year...

capricorn: it’s finally your season. after a full year, we’re finally back to you... 

aquarius: aquarians... you’ve had a year to put it lightly...

pisces: during this time, let your imagination take your goals to the extreme...
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